Great Expectations Day 25!


Hello, sorry I missed yesterday. I was off learning how to cook an entire meal outdoors, on a fire, in the rain! (Girl Scout training) It was fun but exhausting. Here I am back today… yeah!

The soldiers are still in Joe’s blacksmith shop. He’s busy hammering and clinking with the soldiers busy drinking up all the wine! Mr Pumblechook is offering it up freely. Even Pip gets a taste of wine in all the celebrating. (It is still Christmas Day plus there is much excitement with having the soldiers in the house.) Pip, noticing the murky shadows dancing menacingly on the walls caused by the flames, starts to feel sorry for the convicts.

When Joe is done with fixing the handcuffs, he, Pip and Mr Wopsle decide to tag along with the soldiers to see all the excitement of the capture (or killing?) of the convicts in the marsh.

This is a quick pastel sketch. I tried to convey the idea of dancing shadows produced from a fire. Hope I succeeded!

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