Great Expectations Day 24


(Twenty-four was always my lucky number when I was a kid!)

Something simple, clean and graphic. I’ve been wanting to do this for a few days, to see what it would look like. So here it is! Prison stripes on the word “CONVICT” with a shackle added. This was done in Illustrator. I work on a Mac using CS4. Of course, I often use traditional materials too: paints, pastels, ink, etc.

The sergeant tells the Christmas celebrators that the soldiers are hunting down two convicts who have been hiding out in the marshes. Joe agrees to fix the handcuffs (what choice does he have?) and they all head out to his shop. He starts to “hammer and clink, hammer and clink, hammer and clink”. The soldiers make themselves useful and help out where they can. Surprisingly, Mrs Joe becomes generous and offers up beer to the soldiers and wine to the sergeant.

This is actually my post for tomorrow, a day early. Busy weekend coming up. Have a good one yourself!

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